Have a Happy Easter and a great long weekend!
Holdings Watch: Another not so bad week. The Wiki Holdings Tab has been updated. Closed trades for the week:
- Sold half of the EOG $60 April Calls (EOGDL) for $2.20, up 187%.
- Sold the CRK April $35 Calls for $2, up 207%.
- Sold CLR April $25 Calls (CLRDE) for $0.85, up 111%.
On To The Wrap ...
Chevron provided its scheduled interim earnings report on Thursday after the market closed. CVX dropped $2.00 on the update. Last quarter they earned $2.14, and the consensus for this quarter is/was $0.90. New guidance is profit of 250-350 million. With 2 billion shares, that sounds like $0.125-$0.175 per share. Full release:
PBS program Now whacked the “Clean Coal” concept on Friday evening-says it is not valid with current technology.