It's that time again. Every two months or so I ask the gang to dig deep and come with a list of things you want to see from this site, things you're tired of, or questions or comments.
Things I've thought about adding or have been asked to add:
more macro pieces: oil, nat gas, ethanol etc,
more stock pieces and picks...I've been working hard on this.
an acronym page
my trading rules - I still thinkj it's pretentious of me since I'm an energy guy, not an options trader (I just play one on the web).
a bio - coming soon
anyway, I appreaciate your thoughts.
Daily crack spread charts, 20 minute delayed would be helpful. Other than that,..more of you and less of us would probably be best,..LOL!
K –
To be honest I doubt I can do it but will look into it.
Just keep doing more of what you do…its a great blog. However, maybe you could thorw in a couple more posts about crude oil !!
Wolf Stone – I’ll try but the Peak Oil coalition has hitmen ya know. lol. My background is in gas so that’s why the preponderance of gas vs oil data. Also, it’s so much more of a fundamental market (less geopol, I feel like I have more value add there). But I’ll step up the oily talk.
there has to be a real-time source for cracks info you can stream…
my input is maybe you can make evryone write a bio for themselves, ie eduction, level of expertice, accredidations, location, profession, personal interests– ect. i think it would be helpful to know who all of us are…
z- you already wear a lot of hats; i dont know how you do it, but you do a great job– keep up the good work!
Can you provide comment on the company leaders you believe will deliver positive shareholder value in the next 12-24 months?
I like your stock idea’s. If you don’t already do this, what would you consider to be a fair “exit” price for your picks
Tupp – if you can find the rt cracks source I’ll stream it. It would have to be a ticker of some kind from a futures site I’d guess.
re bios – I’ve got a pretty good idea about experience level for a few folks who’ve emailed me. There’s a lot of talent out there reading (I can see where you work via your IP address) but 90% of it does not contribute to the site via comments. We’ve only got one commentor from a major for instance and none from traded E&Ps (that I know of). There also several futures traders and long list of brokers here daily. We get comments from private producers from time to time. I’d like to see industy guys comment but I understand the hesitation.
I vow to never out where someone works unless they authorize it and then only if was of importance. I’d tell them that I was buyside, then sellside, and now I’m yourside.
I do this because I love doing this. I really like doing it without a banker standing over my shoulder and I have no compliance or editing to weedle my way through before I comment. I try to call it like I see it.
Bill F –
Good quastion. Management is the most important driving force for any company, especially an E&P.
This list is by no means complete. Some of these are CEOS, some are in other senior positions with great influence.
Hackett – APC
Whole team – NFX
Transier – END
Murphy – HLX…he can smell out gas like nobodies business on the shelf.
Mark Sexton – where ever he lands after EEE
Alexander – haven’t tracked him down since SKE was bought…thanks for making me do this excercise. The guy’s top notch
TLM – Jim Buckee
MCF – Contango – I don’t know them but I like their style.
Bruce Smith – TSO
There’s lots more but I’ve got to finish this morning’s post!
Bill F – exit price , check!
A second vote for daily crack spread charts (if it’s possible).
I hate to admit this, but a few definitions for us neophytes. When I hear discussions involving crack spreads I invision a neighborhood in the south side of Chicago (which I am fairly certain is incorrect) 😉