Wrap – Week Ended 8/6/21
The Z4 crew had a great time but it's good to be back. Thanks very much for your patience in our absence as we toyed about with the interns in the Rockies.
A few extra tables from last week's data are included below.
Holdings Watch:
- No trades last week.
- The ZLT was up modestly on the week despite the move in oil.
- The blotter is updated.
Natural Gas Storage
The Oil Inventory Summary Table
According to the enclosed Rystad market analysis the early adapting well operators are reaping significant cost & speed benefits……however the frac suppliers can’t get pricing traction for the service:
August 8th, 2021 at 1:00 pmre 1 – or they could have just listened to the LBRT, PUMP, and NEX calls since management said pretty much exactly that during their Q&A’s.
August 8th, 2021 at 1:11 pm