Biggest week of the year with the ZLT up ~ 21%. Performance was driven by sharp gains in our renewables segment and by some slight upward edging in some our oil, natural gas and service names.
Holdings Watch:
- We added to our LBRT position on weakness created by a block trade by a major holder.
- We sold a little over 40% of our JKS position at $61.50, up 223%.
- The Blotter is updated.
Questions and comments under The Wrap will be addressed in the Subscriber Mailbag section of the Monday post.
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Need to contact us? Email zman@zmansenergybrain.com
Have a great weekend,
Best Regards,
Positioning Example Watch: Z4 Research has a portfolio, the ZLT, that generally holds between 15 and 20 names. The LT stands for Long Term and we only conduct a modest amount of trading around core positions in the portfolio. Here's the anatomy of our positioning in a name that has recently worked out well for us. All trades are ZBLASTed out to subscribers via email and recorded on The Blotter for all to see forever. Many names never get a public piece on Seeking Alpha. This is one of those names.
More tower consolidation underway.
Arcosa has 3 wind tower fabrication facilities:
Clinton, IL (closing) 148 employees
Newton, IA (it’s largest)
Tulsa, OK
They also have several other large steel fab facilities:
-Utility Towers for electric high voltage transmission
-Barge manufacturing (currently laying off 66 employees)
– storage tanks ( pressure vessels) for propane & anhydrous ammonia
Arcosa arose from what was TRINITY INDUSTRIES in early 2000’s.