Holdings Watch:
- We had one addition in the ZLT last week with an add to a smaller fuel cell position.
- The Trading Blotter is updated.
- The ZLT was up 8% last week.
- Renewables are > 60% of the portfolio at present.
New Stuff:
- We add some names of interest page links at left. A handy reference in addition to the normal pull down menu function. These page links contain a quick trip to the most recent significant post for each name and the latest cheat sheet. More changes to these pages will get a summary section at the top prior to the kick of earnings season.
Free Stuff: (recent free posts)
- Vestas - pre quarter update note - strong orders, estimates headed up and we raised our upside view
- BCEI - still cheap, still going to $0 debt, still rural and therefore not hit by the new setback concerns in CO. This one stems from our conversation with senior management.
- You kind more free stuff from us over at www.seekingalpha,com by searching Steve Zachritz.
Questions under The Wrap will be addressed in the Subscriber Mailbag section of the Monday post.
If you have questions about the site or want to subscribe contact zman@zmansenergybrain.com.
Have A Good, Safe Weekend,
If you have name review requests for the site over the weekend, please drop them to zman@zmansenergybrain.com
Walter Reed reports President Trump’s condition has improved.
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