The week:
- DJIA up 2.6%, SPX up 3.3%
- Energy benchmarks ranged from down 1.7% (majors) to up 4.8% (oil service)
- The ZLT was up 4.2%.
The Trading Blotter is updated. There were 3 additions to the portfolio last week.
We are:
- 57% renewables / green space
- 20% oily upstream
- 18% natural gas centric upstream (more changes here soon)
- and two names in oil service.
Free Stuff last week:
- OII update piece with some longer term thoughts on emerging trends.
- Free stuff next week will include a piece for SA on GPOR (in with editing now, subscribers have they gist now).
Questions and comments under The Wrap will be addressed in the Monday post.
Questions about the site can be directed to
Have a great weekend,