Down week last week with the Fed's comments and Covid-19 back on peoples minds after a bit of head in sand time. We have been up 9 of the last 11. Market needs to cool in our view. Please also see our comments on oil product inventories in last Thursday's oil inventory slide show.
Holdings Watch:
- No trades last week.
- The Blotter is updated.
- Our portfolio is over 40% renewables/green and over 20% natural gas. The rest is a mix of "oily" names and Service.
Free Stuff Last Week Watch:
Questions and comments under The Wrap will be addressed in the Monday post.
Have a good weekend.
You have 6/5 numbers.Did you want them, the heder says WRAP 6/12?
Thanks – imported week old table, fixed now.
np, been away for a while, thought I’d try to get up to speed.
I think fundamentals might get better for NG “sometime” in the future as drilling is finally curtailed. As they say the cure for low prices is low prices.
Hickenlooper drank it.
Here for the morning, shout if you need something, the request line is open.
Generation Watch: Gas-fired generation was up 9% last week vs the year ago week. It was hotter to be sure. Got back to the preceding week, when pop weighted cooling degree days were essentially flat with the year ago week and gas fired demand was still up 7% YoY. In the week before that gas-fired was up 2.5% YoY despite cooler temps. Good to see the expected taking of share appears to be occurring.