Archive for October, 2013


Thursday Morning – More 3Q13 Earnings, Plus Oil Review and Natural Gas Preview

  Market Sentiment Watch: Volatility within the group points to some of the recent "hot money" fleeing the charts due to a move below $100 oil they did not expect … that's fine, we see no fundamental change in our outlook on the macro side and continue to like our stories and hot money will no […]


Wednesday Morning – More 3Q13 Earnings

Market Sentiment Watch: Despite the calendar we do not appear to be Greatly Depressed. All eyes remain on the Fed and while we don't expect any tapering today or near term suggestions of tapering we would welcome the move.  In today's post please find comments on the EXXI and RRC quarters as well as a few other […]


Tuesday Morning – Back to 3Q13 Earnings

Market Sentiment Watch: All eyes remain focused on tomorrow's Fed statement which we see as more than likely remaining largely unchanges, especially as to the ongoing easing.  We zero no chance of a taper now and we think that recent events have likely pushed a taper further down the road. The L-shaped economic recovery continues.  In […]


Monday Morning – 3Q13 Energy Week 3 Thoughts

    Market Sentiment Watch:  For those in the "don't take away my stimulus drip" camp this is probably going to be a pretty please week. With the government now open but the impact of it's shuttering likely to impact a number of stats it's probably safe to think this week's Fed meet and greet […]


Wrap – Week Ended 10/25/13

Comments will be included in the Monday post along with next week's calendar of earnings reports we care about and The Week That Was. Have a great weekend. 

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