Excellent start to the week with the moves around Davy Jones but ending on a softer note of general market weakness. All in all, not a lot of movement outside of service where we capitalized on an upgrade to exit some of our HAL position for a nice gain. Have a happy MLK holiday, I'll see you on Tuesday.
Holdings Watch:
- $10KP II: $26,700
- 34% Cash
- Positions on the holdings tab will be updated before Tuesday
Last Week's Closed Trades:
- 4 scuds for the January expiry which is pretty typical for me. Three were minor positions but one was a larger position in BEXP which was unfortunate as it was a winner on Catalyst Events before succumbing to three Street downgrades on valuation.
- Other Closed Trades:
- HAL – Sold the (25) Jan $33 Calls (HZLAT) for $1.70, up 577%, with the stock at $34.60. I continue to own the Feb calls taken last week.
What are the reserves of WY?
UNG…Charts and comments…
Thanks JB, good stuff.