Holdings Watch:
- $10KP II: $27,800
- 62% Cash
- The Current Holdings Tab has been updated.
- The $10KP II Spread Sheet Tab has been updated.
Last Week's Closed Trades:
- KWK – Sold the KWK $15 October calls (KWKJC) for $0.45, up 69%, with the stock at $14.50.
- HK – Sold the (20) HK $24 Calls picked up yesterday at $0.45 for $0.75 on the mid with the stock holding at $23.90.
EOG – Half out $85 Calls for $2.50, up 72%.
WLL – Sold the $55 October calls for $4.90, up 58%.
WLL – Sold the (10) $60 calls taken yesterday for a buck for $2 with the stock at $60.70.
HK – Sold half (15) of the HK $24 calls for $1.15 (on the mid and easily with the stock at $24.82), up 124%.
SWN – Sold half of this one as well, out on (15) October $45 calls for $1.05, up 62% with the stock at $44.65, up 4% on the day.
EOG – Out of the remaining (5) EOG $85 October calls, (EOGJQ), for $4.40, up 198% with the stock sitting just under $89.
ROSE – Sold the (5) November $12.50s for $4.20, up 46%. No knock on the stock but I don’t like how thin this particular strike was. I will likely reposition into November $17.50s or something similar before earnings. I continue to hold the common in the ZLT.
HK – Sold the remaining (15) HK $24 October Calls (HKJO) for $1.45, up 214%, easily on the mid with the stock at $25.22.
Wrap Comments: (Incorporated into Monday Post)
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