Oil Recovered Slightly Yesterday After Further Unrest In Nigeria Surfaced. You knew it was too good to be true. New leader=everybody’s happy? No way. Gasoline Continued To Fall. CNBC of course blamed profit taking and contract expiry. It couldn’t be all those tankers queued up in the GOM full of gasoline could it? Oil Inventory…
Month: May 2007
Wednesday – Inventories Tomorrow But Let’s Get Focused Today
Crude Oil Was Bailed Out of a Steep Dive Just Prior To The End Of Trading To Close Just Above $63… Blame the dive ($2.05 shaved off the July contract to end at $63.15) on uncommonly civil global behavior: in Nigeria as the uniions called off their strike, presidential power was peacefully handed over (so…
Tuesday – A Few Words About Gasoline & Refiners
Commodities Trading Off A Bit This Morning On The “Resolution” of the Nigerian Oil Workers Strike. I put no faith in the fact that anything was resolved. The people are oppressed, get little to nothing in the way of services from their government and wait in multi-hour long lines to buy gasoline (when it is…
Finally Friday – Wooooohoooo! Three day weekend!
Good morning. First Things First. “Let us, then, at the time appointed, gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist…
Thursday – Trolling Tankers Boost Gasoline Prices
Vote Count Watch: My sincerest thanks to 20 of you! For the rest I’ll try to win you over and for you fence sitters the voting button is here. Sorry about the PSA, I’ll move on. Watch Out for Putin Watch: Vlad and I have something in common and it’s not just our love of…