. . Market Sentiment Watch: Coronavirus. In today’s post please find the the natural gas review (in line withdrawal; smaller withdrawal in next week’s report but note that net supply went negative on a YoY basis as production continued to slump and exports of LNG and to Mexico hit all time record highs), comments and…
Month: January 2020
Thursday Morning – CLB, VLO, PLUG
. . Market Sentiment Watch: Cautious markets as the infected and death tolls in China mount, airlines suspend flights, and production across a variety of industries is impact. OPEC increasingly likely to push forward meetings planned for March. In today’s post please find the oil inventory review (mixed bag), the natural gas preview (biggest…
Wednesday Morning – FCEL, BCEI
. . Market Sentiment Watch: Fed day. In today’s post please find the oil inventory preview, the natural gas inventory preview, comments and and a cheat sheet on FCEL, comments and a cheat sheet update for BCEI as they gave preliminary 2019 numbers and guided strong for 2020, and some other odds and ends. Ecodata Watch:…
Tuesday Morning – PLUG
. . Market Sentiment Watch: Market attempting to get a grip after Coronavirus panic. In today’s post please find the early read on oil inventories (benign looking early consensus, faces easy comp on the five year average oil build), the very early read on natural gas inventories (wide range at present, we favor the upper…
Coronavirus Monday
. . Market Sentiment Watch: Coronavirus front and center for equity and commodity markets. In today’s post please find The Week That Was, The Five Things, and some other odds and ends. Look for increasing news flow this week as well as updates from key names on the macro from the service and refining sectors. …