It's good to be back! Flew in just after midnight so forgive the short post. I thought I'd do the wrap and comments in my new fangled Spanglish but lack of sleep kills my sense of innovation. So here's the wrap table followed by an abridged Monday post. Look for me to be back…
Month: June 2008
Wrap – Week Ended 6/20/08
I'm off to Honduras in the morning and will be out all of next week. I will not respond to emails and there will be no new posts for the site after this one until Monday, June 30. If you're reading this free weekend wrap post and have not subscribed by now why not wait…
Housekeeping Item: Inquiring Minds Want To Know. Click here for the Bio Tab. Note that it is not very full. Please send Petra any details about what it is you do at I know it's a strange request coming from a guy who goes by Zman however it's not me but your fellow…
Thursday – Gas Preview & Oil Review
In Today's Post: Holdings Watch Commodity Watch – Gas Preview and Oil Review Odds & Ends Holdings Watch: Continuing to trim holdings as 1) I'll be out of pocket next week and 2) the energy sectors, while still not expensive, have had a good run. The Wiki Holdings and Performance Tabs (both subscribers only)…
Wednesday – Oil Inventory Preview
In Today's Post: Holdings Watch Commodity Watch Stocks We Care About Todayll Odds & Ends Holdings Watch: Wiki Tab and Performance Tabs have been updated. As I'll be away from the market ext week I have a convenient excuse to take profits. A better reason would be the number of green days interspersed in…