Here's the quick and dirty on how to subscribe to www.zmansenergybrain.com. Please understand that your subscription will become active when you have completed the following 2 easy steps.
1) Register With The Site. On the right hand side you'll find the Register/Subscribe link. Click it. A page with the heading Register For This Site will appear that looks like this:
A) Enter your desired username in the first blank and your email address in the second, followed by your first and last name.
B) Click the small box in the lower left corner of the page agreeing to the Terms and Conditions for subscribing to the site.
C) After agreeing to the terms, click the button marked Register.
2) Activate Your Subscription. After registration, the site will automatically take you to the Membership Options Page which looks like this:
Note that you have three payment options: PayPal, Square.com, and payment by check. Apologies but we no longer accept payments via Google Checkout.
A) Pay With PayPal. The first default method for subscribing to Zman's Energy Brain is via PayPal.
- Click one of the three available buttons.
- This will take you to PayPal's secure server. If you already have a PayPal account, there will be an option to log in and pay using your account. If not, it takes about 3 minutes to sign up for one. Please note, when using PayPal, your banking and/or credit card information are accessed by them, not Zman's Energy Brain. We never see your credit card data. You can also pay with your credit card without opening a PayPal account by clicking on the link at the bottom of the PayPal secure server screen.
- Once you click PAY, your account will be debited the indicated amount, and your subscription will automatically become activated on the site.
B) Square.com We also take payment via email using Square (a well known online payment processor). See Square's FAQ here. Square is very simple in that you simply send us an email, with a CC to cash@square.com and the amount of payment in the subject line of the email. There is no account with Square required (but for now it only works for accounts in the U.S.). After you send cash they send an email to you requesting you link a debit card to your email account and that's it.
C) Pay With Check. Can't stand to process payments on the Internet? We understand that it can be a hassle. We accept checks for subscriptions (quarterly and annual subscribers only please). Please make checks payable to Zman's Energy Brain, and send them to:
Zman's Energy Brain, LLC
PO Box 251164
Little Rock, AR 72225-1164
Also, please drop us a note at zmanalpha@gmail.com to let us know it's "in the mail".
Questions/Problems: If you have any questions, we can always be reached at zmanalpha@gmail.com.
For general PayPal account inquiries, please call them toll-free at: 1-888-221-1161.
If you need further assistance and emailing simply won't do, contact Zman HQ at (501) 766-2215 and we will get back with you very shortly.
Thanks for your interest in joining the Zman's Energy Brain community. We look forward to seeing you on the other side!
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