Contact Z
There are a number of ways to contact us:
Note: Please always confirm emails of importance with us. Please don't assume "we got it" if you ask us for something and we don't get back to you.
To Reach Zman's Energy Brain by Phone: 501.766.2215. This line is to be only used for issues with your account or other problems with the site. But please, use the email address for Z provided above, things will move faster that way.
We don't provide investment advice as you can read on the Terms and Conditions page.
We do not provide refunds. If you decide to cancel know that you are responsible for making sure your PayPal subscription is canceled.
If snailmail is your thing or you want to send us a check the address is:
Please make checks payable to Zman's Energy Brain
Z4 Research, LLC
PO Box 251164
Little Rock, AR 72225-1164
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