We take time to honor the US fallen service men and women on this Memorial Day. We cannot thank them or their families enough.
The ZLT was off 1.2% on the week last week and is up 14.5% YTD.
Questions and comments under The Wrap will be addressed in the Tuesday post. Questions about the site may be directed to zman@zmansenergybrain.com
Have a peaceful weekend,
the Desk consensus EOS falls to 3,879 Bcf. New low for them and just below us now.
Peak OIL DEMAND still a decade away…..Goldman Sachs
Iran’s interim President approves an increase in crude oil production from 3.6 mm bopd to 4.0 mm bopd………no time frame given……..HOWEVER, Iran is experiencing a BRAIN DRAIN of of oil & gas TECHNICAL TALENT due to:
-Low wages (engineers $1,700/mo
-High Inflation
-Poor housing
So 4.0 mm bopd may be Wishful Thinking…….at least in the near term.